State Scientific Examination (thesis boards)
Assistant to the Vice-Rector of Research and Innovation Activity (Work)
Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
Koptseva Elena
252 office, 5/7, Dvinskaya st.
Tel: (812) 748-97-05, local tel: 397
Thesis Boards
- Thesis Board D223.009.01;
- Thesis Board (D223.009.04);
- Thesis Board D223.009.05;
- Thesis Board D223.009.06;
- Thesis Board (D.223.009.07);
- Preparation for thesis defense
- GOST for thesis and abstract of a thesis design
- Abstract design
- Sample of thesis title page
- Sample of abstract cover
- Organization opinion
- Application sample for issuing organization opinion where thesis was written
- List of documents for preliminary consideration of thesis
- Stages for posting information on website
- Sending of thesis abstracts
- Application for PhD candidate
- Application for Candidate of Sciences
- Agreement /approval for posting thesis on website
- Procedure for preliminary consideration of thesis
- Sample of personal data sheet
- Expert opinion on possibility of posting thesis abstract on website
- Sample request for an official opponent
- Sample request for leading organization
- Sample letters for leading organization and official opponents
- Sample consent of official opponent
- Sample consent of leading organization
- Information about official opponent (sample)
- Information about leading organization (sample)
- Documents of examination case
- List of examination case documents
- Report of thesis board
- Requirements for filling the Form on abstract and library information about defended thesis for degree level course